写给自己的 vueuse 学习文章(第一卷)

写给自己的 vueuse 学习文章(第一卷)

技术博客 admin 576 浏览

人们因能感知太多信息而感到心神不宁,或因产生过多欲望而痛苦不堪,又或因担忧能力不足而滋生焦虑,无论顺境或是逆境都不得安生。就像今天的我们,虽衣食无忧,却总是苦于无法摆脱手机的干扰,无法获取让人羡慕的技能,无法拥有想要的生活,等等。低层次的动物是没有这种烦恼的,它们的心灵只容纳环境中确实存在的、与它们切身相关的、靠直觉判断的信息——饥饿的狮子只注意能帮助它猎到羚羊的信息,吃饱的狮子的注意力则集中在温暖的阳光上...... ——《认知觉醒》





1. createGlobalState



import { computed, ref } from 'vue-demi' import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { useSetup } from '../../.test' import { createGlobalState } from '.' describe('createGlobalState', () => { it('should work after dispose 1', async () => { const useGlobalState = createGlobalState(() => { const counter = ref(1) const doubled = computed(() => counter.value * 2) return { counter, doubled, } }) const { counter, doubled } = useGlobalState() const vm = useSetup(() => { const { counter, doubled } = useGlobalState() expect(counter.value).toBe(1) expect(doubled.value).toBe(2) return { counter, doubled, } }) counter.value = 2 expect(counter.value).toBe(2) expect(doubled.value).toBe(4) vm.unmount() counter.value = 3 expect(counter.value).toBe(3) expect(doubled.value).toBe(6) })})


  • 使用 createGlobalState 函数会返回一个函数useGlobalState
  • 执行useGlobalState函数,会返回createGlobalState函数的参数的返回值
  • createGLobalState的参数函数里的返回值是全局的


import { effectScope } from 'vue-demi' import type { AnyFn } from '../utils' /** * Keep states in the global scope to be reusable across Vue instances. * * @see https://vueuse.org/createGlobalState * @param stateFactory A factory function to create the state */ export function createGlobalState<Fn extends AnyFn>( stateFactory: Fn, ): Fn { let initialized = false let state: any const scope = effectScope(true) return ((...args: any[]) => { if (!initialized) { state = scope.run(() => stateFactory(...args))! initialized = true } return state }) as Fn }
  • createGlobalState 接受一个函数作为参数
  • 内部创建一个 scope,也就是创建了单独的作用域
  • 里面 return 一个函数,就是 useGlobalState 函数,当它执行后,会判断是否是初始化,如果是初始化,那就直接返回独立作用域中已有的 state,如果不是,那就执行 run 创建,也就是执行 createGlobalState 的参数函数



要想看如何使用,还是要看单测,该文件单测过长,只挑一部分看,感兴趣的可以去这里查看完整的: createInjectionState

it('should work for simple nested component', async () => { const [useProvideCountState, useCountState] = createInjectionState((initialValue: number) => { const count = ref(initialValue) return count }) let count: Ref<number> | undefined const ChildComponent = defineComponent({ setup() { count = useCountState() return () => h('div') }, }) const RootComponent = defineComponent({ setup() { useProvideCountState(114514) return () => h(ChildComponent) }, }) const vm = mount(RootComponent) await nextTick() expect(count?.value).toBe(114514) vm.unmount() })
  • createInjectionState 参数是一个函数,函数的返回值就是提供给后代组建使用的值
  • createInjectionState 返回一个数组,数组有两个 hooks,分别是 useProvideCountState 和 useCountState
  • useProvideCountState 中的参数,就是 initialValue 的初始值
  • useCountState 的返回值就是 return count
  • useProvideCountState 在父级组件中使用,提供数据,在后代组件中使用 useCountState 注入提供的数据使用


import type { InjectionKey } from 'vue-demi' import { provideLocal } from '../provideLocal' import { injectLocal } from '../injectLocal' export interface CreateInjectionStateOptions<Return> { /** * Custom injectionKey for InjectionState */ injectionKey?: string | InjectionKey<Return> /* * Default value for the InjectionState */ defaultValue?: Return } /** * Create global state that can be injected into components. * * @see https://vueuse.org/createInjectionState * */ export function createInjectionState( composable, options, ){ const key = options?.injectionKey || Symbol(composable.name || 'InjectionState') const defaultValue = options?.defaultValue const useProvidingState = (...args: Arguments) => { const state = composable(...args) provideLocal(key, state) return state } const useInjectedState = () => injectLocal(key, defaultValue) return [useProvidingState, useInjectedState] }
  • 可以看到,createInjectionState 是可以接收两个参数,一个函数,一个options,当 options 拥有 defaultValue 值的时候,它会注入一个数据在当前组件,并赋有默认值 defaultValue
  • 内部可以看到 useProvidingState 函数的接收值就是传值给了 createInjectionState 接收的第一个参数函数的参数了,也就是前面提到的 initialValue
  • 这里重要的代码其实就是 provideLocal 和 injectLocal 两个函数,大致就是 provide 和 inject 效果,详细代码可以查看:injectLocal provideLocal

3. createSharedComposable

创建一个可在多个 Vue 实例中使用的可组合函数。


import type { EffectScope } from 'vue-demi' import { effectScope } from 'vue-demi' import { tryOnScopeDispose } from '../tryOnScopeDispose' import type { AnyFn } from '../utils' /** * Make a composable function usable with multiple Vue instances. * * @see https://vueuse.org/createSharedComposable */ export function createSharedComposable<Fn extends AnyFn>(composable: Fn): Fn { let subscribers = 0 let state: ReturnType<Fn> | undefined let scope: EffectScope | undefined const dispose = () => { subscribers -= 1 if (scope && subscribers <= 0) { scope.stop() state = undefined scope = undefined } } return <Fn>((...args) => { subscribers += 1 if (!state) { scope = effectScope(true) state = scope.run(() => composable(...args)) } tryOnScopeDispose(dispose) return state }) }
  • tryOnScopeDispose 当你组件不在需要时,执行清理所有副作用
  • createSharedComposable 接收一个函数,并且返回一个函数,且使用必报方式,让初始化只有一次,后续调用函数,都是共用一个 state


import { createSharedComposable, useMouse } from '@vueuse/core' const useSharedMouse = createSharedComposable(useMouse) // CompA.vue const { x, y } = useSharedMouse() // CompB.vue - 将重用先前的状态,不会注册新的事件监听器 const { x, y } = useSharedMouse()

x,y是 useMouse 返回的值。

4.injectLocal & provideLocal

扩展了 inject,能够调用 provideLocal 在同一组件中提供值 扩展了 provide,能够使其通过调用 injectLocal 在同一组件中获取值


it('should work for nested component', async () => { const CountKey: InjectionKey<number> | string = Symbol('count') let count: number | undefined const ChildComponent = defineComponent({ setup() { count = injectLocal(CountKey) return () => h('div') }, }) const RootComponent = defineComponent({ setup() { provideLocal(CountKey, 2333) return () => h(ChildComponent) }, }) const vm = mount(RootComponent) await nextTick() expect(count).toBe(2333) vm.unmount() })
  • 只是扩展了 provide 和 inject 的功能,但是使用方式上还是相同的 查看源码
// injectLocal import { getCurrentInstance, inject } from 'vue-demi' import { localProvidedStateMap } from '../provideLocal/map' /** * On the basis of `inject`, it is allowed to directly call inject to obtain the value after call provide in the same component. * * @example * ```ts * injectLocal('MyInjectionKey', 1) * const injectedValue = injectLocal('MyInjectionKey') // injectedValue === 1 * ``` */ // @ts-expect-error overloads are not compatible export const injectLocal: typeof inject = (...args) => { const key = args[0] as string | symbol const instance = getCurrentInstance()?.proxy if (instance == null) throw new Error('injectLocal must be called in setup') if (localProvidedStateMap.has(instance) && key in localProvidedStateMap.get(instance)!) return localProvidedStateMap.get(instance)![key] // @ts-expect-error overloads are not compatible return inject(...args) }
  • vueuse 自己维护了一个StateMap,当传入一个key值的时候,且key值是在当前组件实例中的属性时,直接返回内部维护的值,如果不是通过 vueuse 设置的值,不在 StateMap 中,那就返回 inject 内的值
import { getCurrentInstance, provide } from 'vue-demi' import { localProvidedStateMap } from './map' /** * On the basis of `provide`, it is allowed to directly call inject to obtain the value after call provide in the same component. * * @example * ```ts * provideLocal('MyInjectionKey', 1) * const injectedValue = injectLocal('MyInjectionKey') * // injectedValue === 1 * ``` */ export const provideLocal: typeof provide = (key, value) => { const instance = getCurrentInstance()?.proxy if (instance == null) throw new Error('provideLocal must be called in setup') if (!localProvidedStateMap.has(instance)) localProvidedStateMap.set(instance, Object.create(null)) const localProvidedState = localProvidedStateMap.get(instance)! // @ts-expect-error allow InjectionKey as key localProvidedState[key] = value provide(key, value) }
  • 在内部维护了一个StateMap,当使用这个api进行provide的时候,先存一份在 StateMap 中,再继续使用 provide 存储在组件实例上




import { promiseTimeout } from '@vueuse/shared' import { describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest' import { useAsyncState } from '.' describe('useAsyncState', () => { it('should be defined', () => { expect(useAsyncState).toBeDefined() }) const p1 = (num = 1) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(num) }, 50) }) } const p2 = async (id?: string) => { if (!id) throw new Error('error') return id } it('should work', async () => { const { execute, state } = useAsyncState(p1, 0) expect(state.value).toBe(0) await execute(0, 2) expect(state.value).toBe(2) }) it('should work with onError', async () => { const onError = vi.fn() const { execute } = useAsyncState(p2, '0', { onError, immediate: false }) await execute() expect(onError).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(onError).toHaveBeenCalledWith(new Error('error')) }) })
  • useAsyncState拥有两个参数,第一个参数可以是一个返回Promise的函数,第二个参数是一个值,这个值真是第一个参数函数中的参数的初始值
  • useAsyncState返回值是一个对象,对象里面有execute函数和state,state的初始值,就是useAsyncState的第二个值,通过execute异步修改state值,state的值也更新了


import { noop, promiseTimeout, until } from '@vueuse/shared' import type { Ref, UnwrapRef } from 'vue-demi' import { ref, shallowRef } from 'vue-demi' export function useAsyncState<Data, Params extends any[] = [], Shallow extends boolean = true>( promise: Promise<Data> | ((...args: Params) => Promise<Data>), initialState: Data, options?: UseAsyncStateOptions<Shallow, Data>, ): UseAsyncStateReturn<Data, Params, Shallow> { const { immediate = true, delay = 0, onError = noop, onSuccess = noop, resetOnExecute = true, shallow = true, throwError, } = options ?? {} const state = shallow ? shallowRef(initialState) : ref(initialState) const isReady = ref(false) const isLoading = ref(false) const error = shallowRef<unknown | undefined>(undefined) async function execute(delay = 0, ...args: any[]) { if (resetOnExecute) state.value = initialState error.value = undefined isReady.value = false isLoading.value = true if (delay > 0) await promiseTimeout(delay) const _promise = typeof promise === 'function' ? promise(...args as Params) : promise try { const data = await _promise state.value = data isReady.value = true onSuccess(data) } catch (e) { error.value = e onError(e) if (throwError) throw e } finally { isLoading.value = false } return state.value as Data } if (immediate) execute(delay) const shell: UseAsyncStateReturnBase<Data, Params, Shallow> = { state: state as Shallow extends true ? Ref<Data> : Ref<UnwrapRef<Data>>, isReady, isLoading, error, execute, } function waitUntilIsLoaded() { return new Promise<UseAsyncStateReturnBase<Data, Params, Shallow>>((resolve, reject) => { until(isLoading).toBe(false) .then(() => resolve(shell)) .catch(reject) }) } return { ...shell, then(onFulfilled, onRejected) { return waitUntilIsLoaded() .then(onFulfilled, onRejected) }, }}
  • useAsyncState 接收3个参数,分别是promise,initialState,options
  • options中可以设置shallow,用于设置state是使用shallowRef或者ref
  • useAsyncState返回了state, isReady, isLoading, error, execute和then函数,且then函数成功后,拿到的数据 resolve({state, isReady, isLoading, error, execute})
  • execute函数接收的第一个参数是delay,当它大于0的时候进行await等待promise返回,最后将用户传入的promise的返回值复制给state,onSuccess是通过options传递进来的函数,promise成功后,会调用onSuccess,将返回值通过 onSuccess返回一份




import { nextTick, ref } from 'vue-demi' import { promiseTimeout } from '@vueuse/shared' import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { useDebouncedRefHistory } from '.' describe('useDebouncedRefHistory', () => { it('once the ref\'s value has changed and some time has passed, ensure the snapshot is updated', async () => { const v = ref(0) const { history } = useDebouncedRefHistory(v, { debounce: 10 }) v.value = 100 expect(history.value.length).toBe(1) expect(history.value[0].snapshot).toBe(0) await promiseTimeout(20) expect(history.value.length).toBe(2) expect(history.value[0].snapshot).toBe(100) }) it('when debounce is undefined', async () => { const v = ref(0) const { history } = useDebouncedRefHistory(v, { deep: false }) v.value = 100 await nextTick() expect(history.value.length).toBe(2) expect(history.value[0].snapshot).toBe(100) }) })
  • useDebounceRefHistory 接收两个参数,一个是源头值,一个是配置options
  • debounce设置毫秒,当下一次操作与上一次操作的时间超过debounce时,才记录历史 详细实现
import type { MaybeRefOrGetter } from '@vueuse/shared' import { debounceFilter } from '@vueuse/shared' import type { Ref } from 'vue-demi' import type { UseRefHistoryOptions, UseRefHistoryReturn } from '../useRefHistory' import { useRefHistory } from '../useRefHistory' /** * Shorthand for [useRefHistory](https://vueuse.org/useRefHistory) with debounce filter. * * @see https://vueuse.org/useDebouncedRefHistory * @param source * @param options */ export function useDebouncedRefHistory<Raw, Serialized = Raw>( source: Ref<Raw>, options: Omit<UseRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized>, 'eventFilter'> & { debounce?: MaybeRefOrGetter<number> } = {}, ): UseRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized> { const filter = options.debounce ? debounceFilter(options.debounce) : undefined const history = useRefHistory(source, { ...options, eventFilter: filter }) return { ...history, }}
  • debounceFilter 大致就是判断是否创建了定时器,如果创建了定时器,直接清除,重新创建,如果没有创建,那就创建一个定时器,当到达时间后会执行一个 resolve
  • useRefHistory 跟踪 ref 的变化历史,还提供了撤销和重做功能。



改 hooks 没有单测,直接看实现

import type { Ref, WatchOptions, WatchSource } from 'vue-demi' import { ref, watch } from 'vue-demi' import { timestamp } from '../utils' export interface UseLastChangedOptions< Immediate extends boolean, InitialValue extends number | null | undefined = undefined, > extends WatchOptions<Immediate> { initialValue?: InitialValue } /** * Records the timestamp of the last change * * @see https://vueuse.org/useLastChanged */ export function useLastChanged(source: WatchSource, options?: UseLastChangedOptions<false>): Ref<number | null> export function useLastChanged(source: WatchSource, options: UseLastChangedOptions<true> | UseLastChangedOptions<boolean, number>): Ref<number> export function useLastChanged(source: WatchSource, options: UseLastChangedOptions<boolean, any> = {}): Ref<number | null> | Ref<number> { const ms = ref<number | null>(options.initialValue ?? null) watch( source, () => ms.value = timestamp(), options, ) return ms }
  • 封装了一层 watch,options提供一个initialValue作为内部 ms 时间戳的初始值
  • 监听用户传的 source 数据,当source数据改变时,出发监听,同时修改 ms 的值为当前时间戳,最后返回了这个 ms ref对象

8.useLocalStorage & useSessionStorage

响应式LocalStorage & 响应式SessionStorage

该 hooks 没有单测,直接查看源码

import type { MaybeRefOrGetter, RemovableRef } from '@vueuse/shared' import type { UseStorageOptions } from '../useStorage' import { useStorage } from '../useStorage' import { defaultWindow } from '../_configurable' export function useLocalStorage(key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<string>, options?: UseStorageOptions<string>): RemovableRef<string> export function useLocalStorage(key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>, options?: UseStorageOptions<boolean>): RemovableRef<boolean> export function useLocalStorage(key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<number>, options?: UseStorageOptions<number>): RemovableRef<number> export function useLocalStorage<T>(key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<T>, options?: UseStorageOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T> export function useLocalStorage<T = unknown>(key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<null>, options?: UseStorageOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T> /** * Reactive LocalStorage. * * @see https://vueuse.org/useLocalStorage * @param key * @param initialValue * @param options */ export function useLocalStorage<T extends(string | number | boolean | object | null)>( key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<T>, options: UseStorageOptions<T> = {}, ): RemovableRef<any> { const { window = defaultWindow } = options return useStorage(key, initialValue, window?.localStorage, options) }
  • 先不用管 useStorage 具体实现,大致能猜出,使用 key value存储,但是响应式的,useStorage 内部做了处理,useLocalStorage 就是在其记录上,限定了使用 localStorage


手动跟踪 ref 的变化历史,当使用者调用 commit() 时,也提供了撤销和重做功能。


import { isReactive, ref } from 'vue-demi' import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { useManualRefHistory } from '.' describe('useManualRefHistory', () => { it('should record', () => { const v = ref(0) const { history, commit } = useManualRefHistory(v) expect(history.value.length).toBe(1) expect(history.value[0].snapshot).toBe(0) v.value = 2 commit() expect(history.value.length).toBe(2) expect(history.value[0].snapshot).toBe(2) expect(history.value[1].snapshot).toBe(0) }) it('should be able to undo and redo', () => { const v = ref(0) const { commit, undo, redo, clear, canUndo, canRedo, history, last } = useManualRefHistory(v) expect(canUndo.value).toBe(false) expect(canRedo.value).toBe(false) v.value = 2 commit() v.value = 3 commit() v.value = 4 commit() expect(canUndo.value).toBe(true) expect(canRedo.value).toBe(false) expect(v.value).toBe(4) expect(history.value.length).toBe(4) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(4) undo() expect(canUndo.value).toBe(true) expect(canRedo.value).toBe(true) expect(v.value).toBe(3) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(3) undo() expect(v.value).toBe(2) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(2) redo() expect(v.value).toBe(3) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(3) redo() expect(v.value).toBe(4) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(4) expect(canUndo.value).toBe(true) expect(canRedo.value).toBe(false) redo() expect(v.value).toBe(4) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(4) clear() expect(canUndo.value).toBe(false) expect(canRedo.value).toBe(false) }) })
  • useManualRefHistory 返回了 n 多个函数和ref对象
  • 目测好像所有的操作都是交给了用户,所有的函数,都是暴露给用户的操作


import { timestamp } from '@vueuse/shared' import type { Ref } from 'vue-demi' import { computed, markRaw, ref } from 'vue-demi' import type { CloneFn } from '../useCloned' import { cloneFnJSON } from '../useCloned' export interface UseRefHistoryRecord<T> { snapshot: T timestamp: number } export interface UseManualRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized = Raw> { /** * Maximum number of history to be kept. Default to unlimited. */ capacity?: number /** * Clone when taking a snapshot, shortcut for dump: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)). * Default to false * * @default false */ clone?: boolean | CloneFn<Raw> /** * Serialize data into the history */ dump?: (v: Raw) => Serialized /** * Deserialize data from the history */ parse?: (v: Serialized) => Raw /** * set data source */ setSource?: (source: Ref<Raw>, v: Raw) => void } export interface UseManualRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized> { /** * Bypassed tracking ref from the argument */ source: Ref<Raw> /** * An array of history records for undo, newest comes to first */ history: Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>[]> /** * Last history point, source can be different if paused */ last: Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>> /** * Same as {@link UseManualRefHistoryReturn.history | history} */ undoStack: Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>[]> /** * Records array for redo */ redoStack: Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>[]> /** * A ref representing if undo is possible (non empty undoStack) */ canUndo: Ref<boolean> /** * A ref representing if redo is possible (non empty redoStack) */ canRedo: Ref<boolean> /** * Undo changes */ undo: () => void /** * Redo changes */ redo: () => void /** * Clear all the history */ clear: () => void /** * Create a new history record */ commit: () => void /** * Reset ref's value with latest history */ reset: () => void } function fnBypass<F, T>(v: F) { return v as unknown as T } function fnSetSource<F>(source: Ref<F>, value: F) { return source.value = value } type FnCloneOrBypass<F, T> = (v: F) => T function defaultDump<R, S>(clone?: boolean | CloneFn<R>) { return (clone ? typeof clone === 'function' ? clone : cloneFnJSON : fnBypass ) as unknown as FnCloneOrBypass<R, S> } function defaultParse<R, S>(clone?: boolean | CloneFn<R>) { return (clone ? typeof clone === 'function' ? clone : cloneFnJSON : fnBypass ) as unknown as FnCloneOrBypass<S, R> } /** * Track the change history of a ref, also provides undo and redo functionality. * * @see https://vueuse.org/useManualRefHistory * @param source * @param options */ export function useManualRefHistory<Raw, Serialized = Raw>( source: Ref<Raw>, options: UseManualRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized> = {}, ): UseManualRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized> { const { clone = false, dump = defaultDump<Raw, Serialized>(clone), parse = defaultParse<Raw, Serialized>(clone), setSource = fnSetSource, } = options function _createHistoryRecord(): UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized> { return markRaw({ snapshot: dump(source.value), timestamp: timestamp(), }) } const last: Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>> = ref(_createHistoryRecord()) as Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>> const undoStack: Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>[]> = ref([]) const redoStack: Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>[]> = ref([]) const _setSource = (record: UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>) => { setSource(source, parse(record.snapshot)) last.value = record } const commit = () => { undoStack.value.unshift(last.value) last.value = _createHistoryRecord() if (options.capacity && undoStack.value.length > options.capacity) undoStack.value.splice(options.capacity, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) if (redoStack.value.length) redoStack.value.splice(0, redoStack.value.length) } const clear = () => { undoStack.value.splice(0, undoStack.value.length) redoStack.value.splice(0, redoStack.value.length) } const undo = () => { const state = undoStack.value.shift() if (state) { redoStack.value.unshift(last.value) _setSource(state) } } const redo = () => { const state = redoStack.value.shift() if (state) { undoStack.value.unshift(last.value) _setSource(state) } } const reset = () => { _setSource(last.value) } const history = computed(() => [last.value, ...undoStack.value]) const canUndo = computed(() => undoStack.value.length > 0) const canRedo = computed(() => redoStack.value.length > 0) return { source, undoStack, redoStack, last, history, canUndo, canRedo, clear, commit, reset, undo, redo, }}
  • 从源码可以看到,内部似乎并没有做过多的操作,把所有的操作权都给了用户
  • 作用不一一细说了


跟踪 ref 的变化历史,还提供了撤销和重做功能。


import { nextTick, ref } from 'vue-demi' import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { useRefHistory } from '.' describe('useRefHistory - sync', () => { it('sync: should record', () => { const v = ref(0) const { history } = useRefHistory(v, { flush: 'sync' }) expect(history.value.length).toBe(1) expect(history.value[0].snapshot).toBe(0) v.value = 2 expect(history.value.length).toBe(2) expect(history.value[0].snapshot).toBe(2) expect(history.value[1].snapshot).toBe(0) }) it('sync: should be able to undo and redo', () => { const v = ref(0) const { undo, redo, clear, canUndo, canRedo, history, last } = useRefHistory(v, { flush: 'sync' }) expect(canUndo.value).toBe(false) expect(canRedo.value).toBe(false) v.value = 2 v.value = 3 v.value = 4 expect(canUndo.value).toBe(true) expect(canRedo.value).toBe(false) expect(v.value).toBe(4) expect(history.value.length).toBe(4) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(4) undo() expect(canUndo.value).toBe(true) expect(canRedo.value).toBe(true) expect(v.value).toBe(3) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(3) undo() expect(v.value).toBe(2) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(2) redo() expect(v.value).toBe(3) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(3) redo() expect(v.value).toBe(4) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(4) expect(canUndo.value).toBe(true) expect(canRedo.value).toBe(false) redo() expect(v.value).toBe(4) expect(last.value.snapshot).toBe(4) clear() expect(canUndo.value).toBe(false) expect(canRedo.value).toBe(false) }) })
  • 所有操作权几乎提供给了用户,直接看实现吧


import type { ConfigurableEventFilter, Fn } from '@vueuse/shared' import { pausableFilter, watchIgnorable } from '@vueuse/shared' import type { Ref } from 'vue-demi' import type { CloneFn } from '../useCloned' import type { UseManualRefHistoryReturn } from '../useManualRefHistory' import { useManualRefHistory } from '../useManualRefHistory' export interface UseRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized = Raw> extends ConfigurableEventFilter { /** * Watch for deep changes, default to false * * When set to true, it will also create clones for values store in the history * * @default false */ deep?: boolean /** * The flush option allows for greater control over the timing of a history point, default to 'pre' * * Possible values: 'pre', 'post', 'sync' * It works in the same way as the flush option in watch and watch effect in vue reactivity * * @default 'pre' */ flush?: 'pre' | 'post' | 'sync' /** * Maximum number of history to be kept. Default to unlimited. */ capacity?: number /** * Clone when taking a snapshot, shortcut for dump: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)). * Default to false * * @default false */ clone?: boolean | CloneFn<Raw> /** * Serialize data into the history */ dump?: (v: Raw) => Serialized /** * Deserialize data from the history */ parse?: (v: Serialized) => Raw } export interface UseRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized> extends UseManualRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized> { /** * A ref representing if the tracking is enabled */ isTracking: Ref<boolean> /** * Pause change tracking */ pause: () => void /** * Resume change tracking * * @param [commit] if true, a history record will be create after resuming */ resume: (commit?: boolean) => void /** * A sugar for auto pause and auto resuming within a function scope * * @param fn */ batch: (fn: (cancel: Fn) => void) => void /** * Clear the data and stop the watch */ dispose: () => void } /** * Track the change history of a ref, also provides undo and redo functionality. * * @see https://vueuse.org/useRefHistory * @param source * @param options */ export function useRefHistory<Raw, Serialized = Raw>( source: Ref<Raw>, options: UseRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized> = {}, ): UseRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized> { const { deep = false, flush = 'pre', eventFilter, } = options const { eventFilter: composedFilter, pause, resume: resumeTracking, isActive: isTracking, } = pausableFilter(eventFilter) const { ignoreUpdates, ignorePrevAsyncUpdates, stop, } = watchIgnorable( source, commit, { deep, flush, eventFilter: composedFilter }, ) function setSource(source: Ref<Raw>, value: Raw) { // Support changes that are done after the last history operation // examples: // undo, modify // undo, undo, modify // If there were already changes in the state, they will be ignored // examples: // modify, undo // undo, modify, undo ignorePrevAsyncUpdates() ignoreUpdates(() => { source.value = value }) } const manualHistory = useManualRefHistory(source, { ...options, clone: options.clone || deep, setSource }) const { clear, commit: manualCommit } = manualHistory function commit() { // This guard only applies for flush 'pre' and 'post' // If the user triggers a commit manually, then reset the watcher // so we do not trigger an extra commit in the async watcher ignorePrevAsyncUpdates() manualCommit() } function resume(commitNow?: boolean) { resumeTracking() if (commitNow) commit() } function batch(fn: (cancel: Fn) => void) { let canceled = false const cancel = () => canceled = true ignoreUpdates(() => { fn(cancel) }) if (!canceled) commit() } function dispose() { stop() clear() } return { ...manualHistory, isTracking, pause, resume, commit, batch, dispose, }}
  • 没啥好说的,看源码吧,更直观


创建一个响应式引用,用于访问和修改 LocalStorage 或 SessionStorage

默认情况下使用 localStorage,其他存储源可以通过第三个参数指定。


import { debounceFilter, promiseTimeout } from '@vueuse/shared' import { defineComponent, isVue3, nextTick, ref, toRaw } from 'vue-demi' import { beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest' import { mount, nextTwoTick, useSetup } from '../../.test' import { StorageSerializers, customStorageEventName, useStorage } from '.' const KEY = 'custom-key' vi.mock('../ssr-handlers', () => ({ getSSRHandler: vi.fn().mockImplementationOnce((_, cb) => () => cb()).mockImplementationOnce(() => () => { throw new Error('getDefaultStorage error') }),})) describe('useStorage', () => { console.error = vi.fn() const storageState = new Map<string, string | number | undefined>() const storageMock = { getItem: vi.fn(x => storageState.get(x)), setItem: vi.fn((x, v) => storageState.set(x, v)), removeItem: vi.fn(x => storageState.delete(x)), clear: vi.fn(() => storageState.clear()), } const storage = storageMock as any as Storage beforeEach(() => { localStorage.clear() storageState.clear() storageMock.setItem.mockClear() storageMock.getItem.mockClear() storageMock.removeItem.mockClear() }) it('export module', () => { expect(useStorage).toBeDefined() expect(StorageSerializers).toBeDefined() }) it('string', async () => { const vm = useSetup(() => { const ref = useStorage(KEY, 'a', storage) return { ref, } }) expect(vm.ref).toBe('a') expect(storage.setItem).toBeCalledWith(KEY, 'a') vm.ref = 'b' await nextTwoTick() expect(vm.ref).toBe('b') expect(storage.setItem).toBeCalledWith(KEY, 'b') }) })
  • 大概就是,key value和选择存储方式,核心点在于他实现响应式,大概就是监听修改,然后更新 storage,不知道是不是,看看源码吧 源码
import { nextTick, ref, shallowRef } from 'vue-demi' import type { Awaitable, ConfigurableEventFilter, ConfigurableFlush, MaybeRefOrGetter, RemovableRef } from '@vueuse/shared' import { pausableWatch, toValue, tryOnMounted } from '@vueuse/shared' import type { StorageLike } from '../ssr-handlers' import { getSSRHandler } from '../ssr-handlers' import { useEventListener } from '../useEventListener' import type { ConfigurableWindow } from '../_configurable' import { defaultWindow } from '../_configurable' import { guessSerializerType } from './guess' export interface Serializer<T> { read: (raw: string) => T write: (value: T) => string } export interface SerializerAsync<T> { read: (raw: string) => Awaitable<T> write: (value: T) => Awaitable<string> } export const StorageSerializers: Record<'boolean' | 'object' | 'number' | 'any' | 'string' | 'map' | 'set' | 'date', Serializer<any>> = { boolean: { read: (v: any) => v === 'true', write: (v: any) => String(v), }, object: { read: (v: any) => JSON.parse(v), write: (v: any) => JSON.stringify(v), }, number: { read: (v: any) => Number.parseFloat(v), write: (v: any) => String(v), }, any: { read: (v: any) => v, write: (v: any) => String(v), }, string: { read: (v: any) => v, write: (v: any) => String(v), }, map: { read: (v: any) => new Map(JSON.parse(v)), write: (v: any) => JSON.stringify(Array.from((v as Map<any, any>).entries())), }, set: { read: (v: any) => new Set(JSON.parse(v)), write: (v: any) => JSON.stringify(Array.from(v as Set<any>)), }, date: { read: (v: any) => new Date(v), write: (v: any) => v.toISOString(), },} export const customStorageEventName = 'vueuse-storage' export interface StorageEventLike { storageArea: StorageLike | null key: StorageEvent['key'] oldValue: StorageEvent['oldValue'] newValue: StorageEvent['newValue'] } export interface UseStorageOptions<T> extends ConfigurableEventFilter, ConfigurableWindow, ConfigurableFlush { /** * Watch for deep changes * * @default true */ deep?: boolean /** * Listen to storage changes, useful for multiple tabs application * * @default true */ listenToStorageChanges?: boolean /** * Write the default value to the storage when it does not exist * * @default true */ writeDefaults?: boolean /** * Merge the default value with the value read from the storage. * * When setting it to true, it will perform a **shallow merge** for objects. * You can pass a function to perform custom merge (e.g. deep merge), for example: * * @default false */ mergeDefaults?: boolean | ((storageValue: T, defaults: T) => T) /** * Custom data serialization */ serializer?: Serializer<T> /** * On error callback * * Default log error to `console.error` */ onError?: (error: unknown) => void /** * Use shallow ref as reference * * @default false */ shallow?: boolean /** * Wait for the component to be mounted before reading the storage. * * @default false */ initOnMounted?: boolean } export function useStorage(key: string, defaults: MaybeRefOrGetter<string>, storage?: StorageLike, options?: UseStorageOptions<string>): RemovableRef<string> export function useStorage(key: string, defaults: MaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>, storage?: StorageLike, options?: UseStorageOptions<boolean>): RemovableRef<boolean> export function useStorage(key: string, defaults: MaybeRefOrGetter<number>, storage?: StorageLike, options?: UseStorageOptions<number>): RemovableRef<number> export function useStorage<T>(key: string, defaults: MaybeRefOrGetter<T>, storage?: StorageLike, options?: UseStorageOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T> export function useStorage<T = unknown>(key: string, defaults: MaybeRefOrGetter<null>, storage?: StorageLike, options?: UseStorageOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T> /** * Reactive LocalStorage/SessionStorage. * * @see https://vueuse.org/useStorage */ export function useStorage<T extends(string | number | boolean | object | null)>( key: string, defaults: MaybeRefOrGetter<T>, storage: StorageLike | undefined, options: UseStorageOptions<T> = {}, ): RemovableRef<T> { const { flush = 'pre', deep = true, listenToStorageChanges = true, writeDefaults = true, mergeDefaults = false, shallow, window = defaultWindow, eventFilter, onError = (e) => { console.error(e) }, initOnMounted, } = options const data = (shallow ? shallowRef : ref)(typeof defaults === 'function' ? defaults() : defaults) as RemovableRef<T> if (!storage) { try { storage = getSSRHandler('getDefaultStorage', () => defaultWindow?.localStorage)() } catch (e) { onError(e) } } if (!storage) return data const rawInit: T = toValue(defaults) const type = guessSerializerType<T>(rawInit) const serializer = options.serializer ?? StorageSerializers[type] const { pause: pauseWatch, resume: resumeWatch } = pausableWatch( data, () => write(data.value), { flush, deep, eventFilter }, ) if (window && listenToStorageChanges) { tryOnMounted(() => { // this should be fine since we are in a mounted hook useEventListener(window, 'storage', update) useEventListener(window, customStorageEventName, updateFromCustomEvent) if (initOnMounted) update() }) } // avoid reading immediately to avoid hydration mismatch when doing SSR if (!initOnMounted) update() function dispatchWriteEvent(oldValue: string | null, newValue: string | null) { // send custom event to communicate within same page // importantly this should _not_ be a StorageEvent since those cannot // be constructed with a non-built-in storage area if (window) { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<StorageEventLike>(customStorageEventName, { detail: { key, oldValue, newValue, storageArea: storage!, }, })) } } function write(v: unknown) { try { const oldValue = storage!.getItem(key) if (v == null) { dispatchWriteEvent(oldValue, null) storage!.removeItem(key) } else { const serialized = serializer.write(v as any) if (oldValue !== serialized) { storage!.setItem(key, serialized) dispatchWriteEvent(oldValue, serialized) } } } catch (e) { onError(e) } } function read(event?: StorageEventLike) { const rawValue = event ? event.newValue : storage!.getItem(key) if (rawValue == null) { if (writeDefaults && rawInit != null) storage!.setItem(key, serializer.write(rawInit)) return rawInit } else if (!event && mergeDefaults) { const value = serializer.read(rawValue) if (typeof mergeDefaults === 'function') return mergeDefaults(value, rawInit) else if (type === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) return { ...rawInit as any, ...value } return value } else if (typeof rawValue !== 'string') { return rawValue } else { return serializer.read(rawValue) } } function update(event?: StorageEventLike) { if (event && event.storageArea !== storage) return if (event && event.key == null) { data.value = rawInit return } if (event && event.key !== key) return pauseWatch() try { if (event?.newValue !== serializer.write(data.value)) data.value = read(event) } catch (e) { onError(e) } finally { // use nextTick to avoid infinite loop if (event) nextTick(resumeWatch) else resumeWatch() } } function updateFromCustomEvent(event: CustomEvent<StorageEventLike>) { update(event.detail) } return data }
  • 不出所料哈,大概就是包装了一层 ref,或者 shallowRef,当每次调用了 updated后都会执行一次 resumeWatch,啥效果不太知道
  • 在这里使用了 window.dispatchEvent 更新了 storage 里的数据 storage_event


具有异步支持的响应式 Storage。


import type { MaybeRefOrGetter, RemovableRef } from '@vueuse/shared' import { toValue, watchWithFilter } from '@vueuse/shared' import type { Ref } from 'vue-demi' import { ref, shallowRef } from 'vue-demi' import type { StorageLikeAsync } from '../ssr-handlers' import { getSSRHandler } from '../ssr-handlers' import type { SerializerAsync, UseStorageOptions } from '../useStorage' import { StorageSerializers } from '../useStorage' import { useEventListener } from '../useEventListener' import { guessSerializerType } from '../useStorage/guess' import { defaultWindow } from '../_configurable' export interface UseStorageAsyncOptions<T> extends Omit<UseStorageOptions<T>, 'serializer'> { /** * Custom data serialization */ serializer?: SerializerAsync<T> } export function useStorageAsync(key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<string>, storage?: StorageLikeAsync, options?: UseStorageAsyncOptions<string>): RemovableRef<string> export function useStorageAsync(key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>, storage?: StorageLikeAsync, options?: UseStorageAsyncOptions<boolean>): RemovableRef<boolean> export function useStorageAsync(key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<number>, storage?: StorageLikeAsync, options?: UseStorageAsyncOptions<number>): RemovableRef<number> export function useStorageAsync<T>(key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<T>, storage?: StorageLikeAsync, options?: UseStorageAsyncOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T> export function useStorageAsync<T = unknown>(key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<null>, storage?: StorageLikeAsync, options?: UseStorageAsyncOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T> /** * Reactive Storage in with async support. * * @see https://vueuse.org/useStorageAsync * @param key * @param initialValue * @param storage * @param options */ export function useStorageAsync<T extends(string | number | boolean | object | null)>( key: string, initialValue: MaybeRefOrGetter<T>, storage: StorageLikeAsync | undefined, options: UseStorageAsyncOptions<T> = {}, ): RemovableRef<T> { const { flush = 'pre', deep = true, listenToStorageChanges = true, writeDefaults = true, mergeDefaults = false, shallow, window = defaultWindow, eventFilter, onError = (e) => { console.error(e) }, } = options const rawInit: T = toValue(initialValue) const type = guessSerializerType<T>(rawInit) const data = (shallow ? shallowRef : ref)(initialValue) as Ref<T> const serializer = options.serializer ?? StorageSerializers[type] if (!storage) { try { storage = getSSRHandler('getDefaultStorageAsync', () => defaultWindow?.localStorage)() } catch (e) { onError(e) } } async function read(event?: StorageEvent) { if (!storage || (event && event.key !== key)) return try { const rawValue = event ? event.newValue : await storage.getItem(key) if (rawValue == null) { data.value = rawInit if (writeDefaults && rawInit !== null) await storage.setItem(key, await serializer.write(rawInit)) } else if (mergeDefaults) { const value = await serializer.read(rawValue) if (typeof mergeDefaults === 'function') data.value = mergeDefaults(value, rawInit) else if (type === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) data.value = { ...(rawInit as any), ...value } else data.value = value } else { data.value = await serializer.read(rawValue) } } catch (e) { onError(e) } } read() if (window && listenToStorageChanges) useEventListener(window, 'storage', e => Promise.resolve().then(() => read(e))) if (storage) { watchWithFilter( data, async () => { try { if (data.value == null) await storage!.removeItem(key) else await storage!.setItem(key, await serializer.write(data.value)) } catch (e) { onError(e) } }, { flush, deep, eventFilter, }, ) } return data as RemovableRef<T> }
  • 使用了异步来更新 storage


带有节流过滤器的 useRefHistory 的简写。


import { ref } from 'vue-demi' import { promiseTimeout } from '@vueuse/shared' import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { useThrottledRefHistory } from '.' describe('useThrottledRefHistory - sync', () => { it('take first snapshot right after data was changed and second after given time', async () => { const ms = 10 const v = ref(0) const { history } = useThrottledRefHistory(v, { throttle: ms }) expect(history.value.length).toBe(1) expect(history.value[0].snapshot).toBe(0) v.value = 100 await promiseTimeout(ms * 3) expect(history.value.length).toBe(2) expect(history.value[0].snapshot).toBe(100) v.value = 200 v.value = 300 v.value = 400 await promiseTimeout(ms * 3) expect(history.value.length).toBe(3) expect(history.value[0].snapshot).toBe(400) })})
  • 就是给 useRefHistory 加上了一个节流功能,和上方 useDebounceRefHistory 类似 源码
import type { MaybeRef } from '@vueuse/shared' import { throttleFilter } from '@vueuse/shared' import type { Ref } from 'vue-demi' import type { UseRefHistoryOptions, UseRefHistoryReturn } from '../useRefHistory' import { useRefHistory } from '../useRefHistory' export type UseThrottledRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized = Raw> = Omit<UseRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized>, 'eventFilter'> & { throttle?: MaybeRef<number>, trailing?: boolean } export type UseThrottledRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized = Raw> = UseRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized> /** * Shorthand for [useRefHistory](https://vueuse.org/useRefHistory) with throttled filter. * * @see https://vueuse.org/useThrottledRefHistory * @param source * @param options */ export function useThrottledRefHistory<Raw, Serialized = Raw>( source: Ref<Raw>, options: UseThrottledRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized> = {}, ): UseThrottledRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized> { const { throttle = 200, trailing = true } = options const filter = throttleFilter(throttle, trailing) const history = useRefHistory(source, { ...options, eventFilter: filter }) return { ...history, }}

源文:写给自己的 vueuse 学习文章(第一卷)

